Monday, September 13, 2010

Chasing Dreams

I noticed this past week that the 2010 football season has begun. The Saints took down Minnesota 14-9 this past week and so, here we go again! I am not a really big sports follower not like my good friend Bill Williams. He always impresses me with his extensive knowledge of sports trivia, fun facts and names and dates. He's a fun guy to watch games with. I just hang around the living room sidelines and eat the chips and dip! I love how everyone seems to have favorite teams and the bantering and bravado that is displayed for or against said teams. I am a Redskins fan, primarily because of demographic preference.

I'm not the week after week team follower but like most people I get caught up in the mania of the "Super Bowl". I tell folks that I only watch it for the “commercials” but there is more to it than that. I love the drama! There is something almost primal inside of each of us that gets drawn into the contest of champions. I can still hear the quote from the “Highlander” movies in my head even now “There can be only one”.

I always rout for the underdog because in my heart that’s who I am. I love the interceptions because they fill me with hope. I cringe at that 2 minute warning because it tells me that time is running out, my choices are limited and I must perform now! The concept of teamwork is never more evident than when 2 teams line up face to face on an open field of battle. (Excuse me, I mean on a football field)

Then you have the commentators (or Bill) with all the statistics and facts and numbers and history. The instant replays, the missed throws, the fumbles, the tackles and all those stupid referees! No wonder I’m an emotional wreck the following morning.

What we by the millions tap into on Super Bowl Sunday is the dream chaser that lives inside of us all. God, in all His wisdom put that winner’s drive inside the very heart and soul of man and then places us in the stadium of life to watch us play. For a long time I though God was the referee. Now I realize He’s my biggest fan. He’s the great encourager and motivator.

The apostle Paul put it this way - “You've all been to the stadium and seen the athletes race. Everyone runs; one wins. Run to win. 1 Corinthians 9:24 (Message)

We all have those dreams that fill our hearts and minds with desire and anticipation. God says “go for it”, “chase those babies”. Make today your Super Bowl Sunday - just pass me the hot dogs and a Coke!

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