Friday, September 10, 2010

The Slippery Slope of Truth!

“What is truth?” – Pontus Pilate while interrogating Jesus

“You can’t handle the Truth” - Jack Nicholson in “A Few Good Men”

Most people will give you an opinion as truth. After all, it’s truth to them. So, obviously it should be true for you as well. Hundreds of religions around the world claim a corner on the truth and just as many will tell you why everyone else is wrong!

So, what is truth?

This is the question of all questions. The Truth is that we are most often unprepared for Truth, which is why I believe that Truth is revealed to us progressively. (A little bit at a time)

I’ve been a Christian for many years now and I am amazed at how many things I thought were “true” as a young believer in Christ 30 years ago that I no longer see in the same light.

As a young Christian I believed that anyone who smoked cigarettes was a sinner and going straight to Hell – not so. If someone drank alcohol or had a TV set …BAM! – Straight to Hell. I was absolutely convinced that this was the truth! I shared it with many people in my youthful exuberance and fiery zeal and won some over and turn off a lot more. It didn’t matter if they didn’t see it – I had the truth!

Wow! I shake my heard today at the naiveté I lived in and am very grateful for the love and mercy of God to continually put up with my self-righteousness and to help bring me out of my truth and into His truth.

Jesus said “I am truth”

Truth is a person! not a set of do’s and don’ts.

Truth comes from our relationship with Him and getting to know Him and what he is like The book of Hebrews tells us that God spoke in many different ways in the past but now has relegated all of His speaking to us through His manifesting Himself as a Son!

All that we will ever need to know about “Truth” is in the life example of Jesus Christ!

At one point His disciple said to Him “show us the Father” (What is truth?) He replied “If you see me then you see the Father”

The problem with Christianity today is that we have lost our connection to God. We have embraced creeds and concepts, ideologies and theologies and have created a way to God that has missed the point completely.

Jesus is Truth!

How did He live? How did He love? What was His way towards people?

If we accept that Truth is a person and totally give ourselves to knowing Him (not about Him) then truth will begin to change us.

Jesus put it this way: You shall know the Truth and the Truth shall set you free. The key here is clear. It is not truth (facts and figures) that changes us – it is the truth that we know, we embrace, we accept. That Truth that comes from walking with Him and hearing His voice and learning His ways will set us free.

John 18:37 … and everyone who belongs to the truth knows my voice. CEV

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